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Craft Company
To discover the freshest Craft Company Coupon, It's recommended to download their mobile app if available. Most merchants send app-exclusive Coupon and Promo Code directly to customers that you won't find anywhere else. You can also enable push notifications, so you'll get alerts right on your phone when a new Coupon becomes available. Check the app before shopping in-store too; they frequently have mobile Coupon for instant in-store savings when you show the barcode at checkout. Combining an in-app [KW3 is a great way to maximize your savings at Craft Company.
The biggest sales at Craft Company are usually around major holidays and shopping events. They offer deep Coupon on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, which is one of the best times to save up to 50-70% or more sitewide. Craft Company also has great savings around Christmas and the holidays, like free shipping offers and last-minute deals. Another big sale happens in the summer, when they'll discount warm-weather merchandise. Check for end-of-season clearance sales in winter and summer too - those can yield huge savings of up to 20% off or more on out-of-season items.
At Craft Company, most products can be returned or exchanged within 10 days of the buying date for a full refund by mail or at a store location. Properly pack the return with the included return form or prepaid label. Once received, refunds are processed back to the original payment method - exchanges are gladly processed simultaneously for convenience. Exceptions are final sale, Coupon or customized merchandise, which cannot be returned. Just check your receipt to confirm return eligibility.