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We would recommend signing up for MummyAndLittleMe's loyalty program to unlock extra savings opportunities. You'll earn points on purchases that convert into reward certificates for Coupon on future orders. Make sure to also join their email newsletter and text alerts lists so you never miss a sitewide Promo Code event. When shopping in-store, look for special clearance racks and ask customer service about any additional unadvertised Discount Code they may have available. Stacking manufacturer Coupon on top of MummyAndLittleMe Promo Code can lead to huge savings as well.
When shopping online at MummyAndLittleMe, first place your desired items in your cart. On the checkout page, you'll see a text box labeled "Enter Coupon", "Promo Code", or something similar. Copy and paste or manually enter your Coupon into this box, then click "Apply." The discount will appear below and be applied to your total. Make sure your purchase meets any requirements and that you haven't already applied a Promo Code. For in-store purchases, provide the coupon code or scan the barcode on your printed Discount Code when prompted during checkout.
You typically can combine multiple MummyAndLittleMe Coupon to maximize your total savings, but there are a few guidelines to follow. Make sure the Promo Code terms don't specifically prohibit stacking or state that the code can only be used once. Codes from third-party sites rather than directly from MummyAndLittleMe will stack more often. Sitewide and category-specific codes tend to combine well. Just make sure to enter the Coupon one at a time and test the additional discounts apply before completing checkout. Stacking various discount types like Discount Code with sales and loyalty rewards works great too!