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Sign-ups to Receive Special Offers and Discounts
If you make a unswerving purchase through Scrubly's website or Scrubly's mobile app, you may generally track the progress of your order. Once you've completed the checkout process, look in your email inbox for an order confirmation with your tracking number. You can check the status of your order, from processing to the anticipated delivery date, by visiting Scrubly's tracking service online or through its mobile app and entering the tracking number and accompanying email.
Besides the in-store deals for Cyber Monday, Scrubly also generally offers some online Promo Code that are only available. These web-specific Coupon allow you to save big on Scrubly favorites without leaving home. Check Scrubly's website and DealAM for online Discount Code in the days leading up to Cyber Monday.
Scrubly has a customer loyalty program tailored to reward return shoppers with points and (rights,benefits)). Signing up is free and allows members to earn points for purchases that can later be redeemed for Promo Code, free items, Coupon, and fast free shipping. Additional elite tiers provide more rewards. Look on their website for more information on joining the program and to see the full rewards catalog redeemable with points.