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For online orders, Lily O'Brien's makes tracking usable from purchase to delivery. Once your order is processed and shipped, you'll get a confirmation email with a tracking ID number you can use on Lily O'Brien's's website or your mobile app to follow your package's shipping journey. Entering the tracking number and order email will allow you to view the current location, projected delivery date, and route history from Lily O'Brien's's warehouses to your doorstep.
There are some ways to find Lily O'Brien's's current bestselling items. Your best option is to look at their website - many retailers have a section dedicated specifically to top-rated and highest-selling products. You can also frequently find top-selling Lily O'Brien's products prominently displayed with special remakrs both on their website and in physical store locations. Checking product reviews is another good indicator - consistently high reviews typically equate to bestseller status. Social media cues and talking to store associates also help identify what's hot.