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For Cyber Monday, Lifting Large usually supplements their in-store Promo Code with added online-only Promo Code you won't find by shopping at a physical location. Be on the lookout for web-exclusive Cyber Monday savings on products across all categories by going to Lifting Large's website or their app, from which you may obtain 20% off in the past.
At minimum, Lifting Large hosts about 5 major sales annually during peak shopping events like Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Black Friday/Cyber Monday, and the Christmas/New Years season. Additional category-specific sales rotate about every 1-2 months. Limited-time flash offers frequently appear year-round also. Checking Lifting Large's weekly emails and Promo Code webpage is the best way to stay on top of both recurring and one-time sales events.
For the fastest notifications on upcoming sales at Lifting Large, sign up on their website to receive their email newsletter. Followers get alerted first about new sales and Promo Code before non-members. Following their social media accounts can also provide early announcements of sales in advance. The deals page on their website is worth monitoring too.