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The #1 method to get free shipping at ClickOnCare is to make sure your order value meets or exceeds the minimum for free standard shipping. This amount varies by location, so check ClickOnCare's website for the requirements. You can also get free shipping more often by joining their loyalty rewards program. Another option is to select store pickup rather than delivery - many locations offer free in-store pickup. ClickOnCare provides Coupon for free shipping with no order minimums during major holidays too, so shopping sales events like Black Friday is a great way to score free delivery.
Yes, ClickOnCare does have a loyalty rewards program that gives members points for purchases that exchange into coupons and gift cards. To participate, you need to enroll in the free program on their website or mobile app. Points are earned on eligible purchases and can be redeemed for discounts later. Be sure to read the program terms, as points expire after a specified time period with no account activity. It's a worthwhile way to save more over time.
There is a ClickOnCare shopping app available that offers useful account management features. The app also provides exclusive mobile Coupon and special Promo Code you can't get on the website. Make sure to enable push notifications to receive alerts when new mobile coupons become available. The app enables easy ClickOnCare access on your phone.