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Make sure your shopping bag reaches the purchase minimum by adding one extra low-cost item if needed. Choose standard shipping over faster options to keep costs down. Use an online Alibaba Cloud Coupon for free shipping whenever available. Signing up for their credit card can provide a free shipping perk. Joining the rewards program lets members qualify for free delivery at lower minimums. You can also select in-store pickup when available to skip shipping fees completely.
You generally can combine multiple Alibaba Cloud Coupon to maximize your total savings, but there are a few guidelines to follow. Make sure the Promo Code terms don't specifically prohibit stacking or state that the code can only be used once. Codes from third-party sites rather than directly from Alibaba Cloud will stack more often. Sitewide and category-specific codes tend to combine well. Just make sure to enter the Coupon one at a time and verify the additional discounts apply before completing checkout. Stacking various discount types like Discount Code with sales and loyalty rewards works great too!
Alibaba Cloud has a free loyalty program where members earn rewards points that translate into gift cards, Coupon, and other exclusive perks. Signing up is free online or through their app. You'll earn points every time you make a qualified order at Alibaba Cloud. Points can then be redeemed for future discounts or complimentary items. Make sure to read the full rewards program terms on their website, as points expire after a certain time period of account inactivity.