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Yes. NASM is providing a unique discount for first-time shoppers at NASM. This proposal was found on the NASM page of and you will receive Discount Code. Please use NASM Promo Code directly to enjoy the first discount. There is a extraordinary new customer discount for new customers of NASM. If you haven't used it in NASM, you can use the NASM Voucher Code you collected at checkout to enjoy a discount. If it's your first time shopping at NASM, you can enjoy a unusual discount at NASM. So as long as you don't have a history of buying NASM, you can use the exclusive NASM Coupon to grab even more discounts.
Yes, of course we will be running a Cyber Monday sale. Details about the event can be found not only on NASM's online store, but also on our official LINE account and Instagram account. If you follow NASM's official LINE account and Instagram account and add us as friends, you will enjoy a private Promo Code. You can also access event information before others. You will automatically accept information about Discount Code and Deal available during the promotion.
After receiving the item from NASM, if you are not satisfied, you will return it for free. Generally, your purchases (including discounted ones) can be smoothly refunded within 30 days. First, please fill out a return request. Put the item to be returned and the completed documents into the package. Return the package. You will receive a confirmation email when your package arrives at NASM. Discounted items can be accepted by email Promo Code. Discount Code is available for your next order. Voucher Code can be specified next time you make a acquisition from NASM. Returns do not affect any gives or discounts.